My First Day/Book/BJ
July 25th, 2001

A big ole welcome back to me, right? Though my disappearance might have been rated as one of the least important events so far in the year 2001, I still think there's at least one person out there who will read this and think "yey, he's back!" Thus I'll skip all the formal bullshit and just speak directly to that person, who will be known as Mr. X. I love you. I've always loved you and I just wanted you to know that the short time we've been apart has felt like an eternity to my soul. You, Mr. X, have been the first thought on my mind when I wake up in the morning and the last thought on my mind when I go to sleep at night. And even though I slept with Mrs. X behind your back numerous times, I want you to know that I only did it to make you jealous in a desperate attempt to have you display some sort of affection for me. When I write in my new diary I will always be thinking of you, even when I'm thinking about someone else. You are my one true love.

The KST + Mr. X = Eternal Happiness

Quote of the Day: If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. - childhood propaganda

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"The way you made them suffer, your exquisite wife and mother,
fills me with the urge to defecate!" - Pink Floyd - The Wall