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Ahhhhhhhhhhhgh! Mother-fuck, Mother-fucker!
August 15th-17th, 2001

I've had a busy last few days so I haven't had time to update... if any of you saw me on-line and wondered why I was there but not updating, I was probably downloading shit. Either way I don't have much time to make this update, so it won't be spell-checked... any of it... but here's a little something to hold you over till tomarrow when I'll hopefuly get to update something good.

Hush little baby don't say a word

Ma'ma's gonna buy you a mocking bird

And if that mocking bird don't sing

Ma'ma's gonna buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring don't shine

Ma'ma's gonna buy you a bottle of moonshine

And if that bottle of moonshine don't get you drunk

Ma'ma's gonna cut you off an elephante's trunk

And if that elephante isn't endangered

Ma'ma's gonna buy you a toothpaste 4/5 dentist prefer

And if that toothpaste doesn't garentee whitening withing 10-12 days

Ma'ma's gonna hold your boss at gunpoint till that bastard gives you a rise

And if that raise isn't at least ten percent of your current wages before taxes are taken out

Ma'ma's gonna find you a physical fitness trainer who can really get your biceps into a shape that will make the girls shout

And if those biceps don't make the little whores shout for you as you walk don't the street wearing nothing but a pair of 40 dollar shorts that you bought at the GAP

Ma'ma's gonna hunt down that little trailer park trash bitch you call and ex-girlfriend, ya, the one that gave you crabs and a rare case of the clap, and make her call herself a dirty, smelly dog, before she's forced to roll around in her own crap

Quote of the Day: Meow. - Puma the Cat

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"The way you made them suffer, your exquisite wife and mother,
fills me with the urge to defecate!" - Pink Floyd - The Wall