Just A Thought
August 4th, 2001

As I sit staring blankly at my purple and brown tinted monitors (it was one of the things damaged in yesterday's attack by God) I can't help but to think that it's fucking hot in here. It might be me or it might be the fact that Kaite Holmes' dress is falling off on SNL, but it's gotta be 90 degrees in here. Well there's a reason I'm bringing this up, and that reason is because do you really think a mutant ant could survive in these conditions within a Styrofoam cage? A few days ago I captured a rare specimen of ants, or just one really big mutated one, underneath a Styrofoam cup on the floor. Today, three days later, I picked that cup up only to find not a dead ant carcass like I had expected, but nothing. The ant didn't just fucking evaporate so where did it go? There were no known holes it could have escaped out of, so that couldn't have been it. Honestly, I have no clue, but what I do know is that any should have been dead. D-E-A-D. I begin to wonder if maybe Styrofoam has some special powers we haven't discovered yet. I mean, how often do you keep living creatures surrounded by it? To test this theory I am going to lock three cats inside of three different Styrofoam coolers for a week straight. There will be heavy books on the lids to make sure they can't get their way out. At the end of the week we'll see if we have three empty coolers or three dead cats. Hopefully dead cats, otherwise we might have to rethink the entire Bible.

Quote of the Day: Backstreet Boys, Backstreet Boys, Sucking all over the place / Backstreet Boys, Backstreet Boys, Sucking for the human race - TV Funhouse

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"The way you made them suffer, your exquisite wife and mother,
fills me with the urge to defecate!" - Pink Floyd - The Wall