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Psychoanalyzing A Pop Star: Day 3
August 9th, 2001

My first assignment continues, psychoanalyze the Britney Spears diary she wrote herself, in crayon on her trailer wall during the latest Pepsi shoot. I will give you the three days of Britney's diary with special KST commentary. The diary without comment is located here as well: Big Tits

Saturday, March 10, 2001

Got to really sleep in this morning.

[Like I'm sure if you demanded to sleep in every morning they wouldn't grant your spoiled ass the right.]

My call time was at 11am!! Got to the studio and met the photographer and to my surprise, he had worked with me before and I loved the results!

[Well my oh my. He came back for seconds. Unfortunately they'll be sloppy seconds because Britney spent all night with the director getting her call time moved from 8 to 11.]

I also knew he worked quickly and that made me happy!

[Plus he didn't make me do all the work, which made me even more happy. Oh, and he didn't make me be on top, which makes me so happy that I'm going to use two exclamation points!!]

First, I did the pictures that they'll use for a billboard in Times Square!

[I assume this only means Times Square will soon be filled with smokestacks and dancers in some sort of unstoppable raging party.]

What an honor!


Next, we just did pictures for magazines and to use in the stores for the promotion of Pepsi products!

[Now see the pictures in the store are a waste cause how the hell am I going to masturbate to those? Save them and put them in other magazines or send them directly to my house.]

It was such an easy shoot!

[The director said there were a lot of easy things on the set, but none as easy as Britney and her shoot.]

Everyone made me feel so comfortable and having a photographer I knew and felt at ease around was also a plus!

[Yea, cause most photographers try to take advantage of you by telling you things like "Now we have to do the Playboy Pepsi ad." or they take lots of close-ups of your breasts for their own personal use. I mean, that's what they got into the business for, right?]

Quote of the Day: You're overweight, but that's ok, come on and have another cake! - Three Dead Trolls In A Baggie

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"The way you made them suffer, your exquisite wife and mother,
fills me with the urge to defecate!" - Pink Floyd - The Wall