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What I Did On My Summer Vacation
August 11th, 2001

I think there's a very common misunderstanding in today's society, that being the difference between a nice day and a hot day. During this wonderful wave of heat that has so kindly plagued our little nuance of a country I've been forced to listen to people beg me to go to the beach "because it's such a nice day!" To me a nice day does not consist of a 105 degree weather nor does it consist of my balls sticking to my ankles. A nice day to me is a cool day, partly cloudy, no rain, no humidity, and naked women dropping from the sky like skittles. It's a comfortable day. I can go outside with my guitar, sit on the stoop, throw rocks at the playing children and pretty much piss off every passerby. On a nice day when the ice-cream truck comes by you don't have to rush to inhale your treat before it melts into eternity. No, you have plenty of time to savior it and perhaps shove it in the face of the playing children. On a nice day you can drive around with the top down, or the windows down and there's no need for AC because on a nice day Mother Nature is your AC as you drive around running down the playing children. I guess what I'm saying is that on a 105 degree day you're not going to want to get out of your bed in your nice air-conditioned room let alone go around torturing the neighborhood children, and really, how much fun is that?

Quote of the Day1: One thing they teach women in rape prevention is to never yell "rape", always yell "fire" - Seven
Quote of the Day2: You're never supposed to yell "rape". You yell "fire" because if you yell "rape" people come with cameras - me

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"The way you made them suffer, your exquisite wife and mother,
fills me with the urge to defecate!" - Pink Floyd - The Wall